Currently Browsing: Immigration
Jun 30
The perfect Gifts for a memorable US Citizenship Celebration
Becoming an US citizen is a big deal and deserves to be celebrated. Here are some memorable gift ideas that will put a smile on the new American. read more
Oct 21
How to enter the Greencard Lottery for free
It’s time to put your name in the hat again, if you do not have a greencard yet. The U.S. Department of State has opened the 2016 Diversity Visa Lottery from October 1 to November 3, 2014. So get your picture taken and make sure you put on your blankest face possible, because they … read more
Jun 24
A Review of InterNations.org
InterNations* is one of the biggest communities for expats worldwide. Founded in 2007 by three Germans – all of them expats – InterNations quickly grew and now unites more than 1 million expats and global minds in many countries around the world. Gerrit Baumann, who is one of the InterNations ambassadors here in Charlotte,... read more
Jun 10
Getting the Driver’s License… Again!
Have you been driving in your country for many years before moving to America? It does not matter much here and you’ll be seen as an inexperienced driver regardless. Not any more experienced as a 15 year old highschool student when it comes to driving. You probably know what that means for insurance premiums. And … read more
May 6
My 9 Biggest Struggles During my 1st Year in America
It would be too easy, if everything would go super smooth when moving into a foreign country. America is a great country, but there are also some things that can really challenge you during your first year. If you’re a seasoned expat, you know exactly what I’m talking about. True to the fact that you … read more
Mar 31
What does Schwarzenegger, Einstein, Tesla and Chaplin have in common?
It used to be everybody’s dream to start a new life in the U.S. – The American Dream. We all know very famous people, who really took their career to the next level after immigrating to America. Some of them really made a dent in history and in their field of expertise. In this series … read more
Mar 4
Interview with Chris Guillebeau
I’ve interviewed only expats from countries other than the U.S. so far in my blog. Time to switch it up a little and do an interview with an American for a change. Someone who has lots of experience with other cultures and can compare it to America first hand. I believe there’s no better choice... read more
Jan 20
Is the Expat Life for You?
Many people dream about moving to America, starting a new life in the Land of Opportunity and they begin to search more and more reasons why their own homeland is not good enough anymore. There are many reasons that can make you want to leave. The biggest ones are war and living in a country … read more
Dec 16
Sarah from Auckland, New Zealand
Sarah had a job opportunity to work for her employer in Texas, so she and her husband took advantage of it and moved to the US. I had the chance to ask Sarah a few questions about her immigration journey and her personal USA bucket list, that she and her husband are checking off one... read more
Dec 2
Pets on a Plane
Every soon-to-be expat with pet needs to make one of the most difficult decisions before starting the journey. Should I leave my beloved pet with friends or family back home or expose them to the stress and horrors of a plane ride without knowing, if they will make it out the plane alive? My wife … read more
Oct 9
Greencard Lottery: Get Your Picture Ready in 5 Easy Steps
Last night I entered my name as well as my wife’s name into the Greencard Lottery and noticed a neat little tool on the government site to crop pictures that you took yourself. As you maybe already know, the government is usually pretty picky about the pictures that you submit. You can’t smile, can’t cover... read more
Sep 28
New Game, New Luck – The 2015 Diversity Visa Lottery
It’s time to put your name in the hat again, if you do not have a greencard yet. The U.S. Department of State has just announced that the 2015 Diversity Visa Lottery will be open for applications from October 1 to November 2, 2013. So get your picture taken and make sure you put … read more
Sep 19
Katariina from Finland
While browsing the web the other day, I stumbled upon a very fun blog called “Katz & The City” that piqued my interest. I was able to get a hold of Katz aka. Katariina to ask her a few questions about her expat life in NYC. Where are you from originally? I’m originally from the... read more
Sep 13
Housing – Should I Rent or Buy?
Moving within America is pretty easy, especially since Americans usually leave lighting fixtures and appliances like dish washer, range, sometimes even washer and dryer behind. Back in Germany, where I come from, people don’t move that often, but when they do, they pack up everything – literally. The whole place is getting stripped including lighting... read more
Sep 10
Jack from Konstanz, Germany
I wanted to interview Jack Bosch for months and we finally made it happen. It couldn’t have come at a better time, because Jack, who’s real name is actually Joachim, is launching his brand new book Forever Cash today. At the end of this interview, which is mainly about Jack’s personal journey through immigration,... read more
Aug 20
Iris from Graz, Austria
I had the pleasure to talk to Iris, who immigrated with her husband and 3-year old daughter from Austria last year. How long have you been living in the United States? I moved here end of March 2012. Why did you decide to move to America? This country has always been fascinating to me. And... read more
Aug 14
Kai from Rostock, Germany
During my own immigration 8 years ago I’ve been reading a lot in forums and websites about life in America and how stuff works here. One website that kept popping up was from Kai Blum, a German author of several German expat books. Last week I reached out to him for an interview to learn... read more
Aug 3
Evg. Enko. from Belarus
Running an USA blog I meet a lot of other expats online and some of them have really cool blogs themselves. That’s how I met Evg. Enko. from Belarus and she was so nice to answer a few questions about her new American life to share on my site. Where are you from originally? Born... read more
Jul 26
Maria from Monte Verde, Brazil
The first Brazilian that I’m featuring is Maria. She is a yoga teacher and small business owner in the Carolinas and I’ve had the pleasure to ask her a few questions about her journey through immigration, starting a business as an immigrant and her life and experiences in America. Where are you from originally? I... read more
Jul 13
Mike from Senden, Germany
It’s time I interview somebody from my own country – Germany. I thought long and hard about who would be a worthy representative with an interesting story and I found a great candidate: Meet Mike from Bavaria. Mike, where are you from originally? My home town is Senden in Bavaria, Germany. How long have you... read more