Currently Browsing: The Soon-to-Be Expat
Mar 11
Will the Kids Be Alright?
It feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your employer is offering to send you to their U.S. subsidiary, so that you can help develop an important project. It’ll be good for the company and great for your career. And you’ve always dreamed of working in America. But what about your spouse and your … read more
Jan 20
Is the Expat Life for You?
Many people dream about moving to America, starting a new life in the Land of Opportunity and they begin to search more and more reasons why their own homeland is not good enough anymore. There are many reasons that can make you want to leave. The biggest ones are war and living in a country … read more
Dec 2
Pets on a Plane
Every soon-to-be expat with pet needs to make one of the most difficult decisions before starting the journey. Should I leave my beloved pet with friends or family back home or expose them to the stress and horrors of a plane ride without knowing, if they will make it out the plane alive? My wife … read more
Oct 9
Greencard Lottery: Get Your Picture Ready in 5 Easy Steps
Last night I entered my name as well as my wife’s name into the Greencard Lottery and noticed a neat little tool on the government site to crop pictures that you took yourself. As you maybe already know, the government is usually pretty picky about the pictures that you submit. You can’t smile, can’t cover... read more
Jul 23
The Benefits of an Internship Abroad
Being a student you usually don’t worry too much about getting a job later on in your life, let alone how to enhance your resume to impress future employers. While different countries have different business mentalities and employers might value one thing over the other, there’s something that always makes a very good impression –... read more
Jun 25
How to Immigrate to the USA Without a Green Card
One question that many readers ask me ever since I started this website is, how you can move to the U.S., if none of the most common ways to get a greencard is working out for you. While I’m not an attorney or immigration expert, I can still try to give you some ideas about... read more
Jun 12
The Cost of Living in New York – Some Things to Know Before You Move
This is a guest post by Ashley Clark from New York International. Moving to New York City is a big decision and, as with any international move, it should be done with much preparation and careful planning. Most people are familiar with the basic costs of moving – transportation expenses, paying the moving company,... read more
Jun 5
Introducing Immigrant “Success Stories”
Introducing a brand new category on LiveWorkTravelUSA.com that will be all about people’s journeys to America, what they struggled with, the kind of visa they got and what tips they can give other immigrants. With “Success Stories” I am trying to get as many different nationalities from all over the world to share a little... read more
May 30
How to Jump Start Your School English
Learning English in school and actually communicating well with native speakers are two different pairs of shoes. School gives you all the basics, teaches you about the correct grammar and proper vocabulary to use in common situations. It’s enough to get by while traveling, but it’s not enough to hit the ground running after you... read more
Apr 10
5 Ways to Get a Green Card
Starting a new life in the USA is what many of us dream about, some of us have achieved and others are trying everything they can to get there. Now, why do you need a green card and why couldn’t you just get a visa to live your dream? Visas are just a temporary solution … read more