Sep 10
Jack from Konstanz, Germany
I wanted to interview Jack Bosch for months and we finally made it happen. It couldn’t have come at a better time, because Jack, who’s real name is actually Joachim, is launching his brand new book Forever Cash today. At the end of this interview, which is mainly about Jack’s personal journey through immigration,... read more
Aug 20
Iris from Graz, Austria
I had the pleasure to talk to Iris, who immigrated with her husband and 3-year old daughter from Austria last year. How long have you been living in the United States? I moved here end of March 2012. Why did you decide to move to America? This country has always been fascinating to me. And... read more
Apr 10
5 Ways to Get a Green Card
Starting a new life in the USA is what many of us dream about, some of us have achieved and others are trying everything they can to get there. Now, why do you need a green card and why couldn’t you just get a visa to live your dream? Visas are just a temporary solution … read more