Currently Browsing: Kids
Sep 23
Hanging out in the School Carpool Line
I’ve heard a lot about the notorious carpool lines at schools from other parents in the past. Now, that my daughter goes to Kindergarten, I experienced it first hand. I used to walk her into daycare, later pre-K (pre-Kindergarten) and other than a locked door sometimes, there were no security systems in place. The new... read more
Mar 11
Will the Kids Be Alright?
It feels like a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your employer is offering to send you to their U.S. subsidiary, so that you can help develop an important project. It’ll be good for the company and great for your career. And you’ve always dreamed of working in America. But what about your spouse and your … read more
Jan 20
Is the Expat Life for You?
Many people dream about moving to America, starting a new life in the Land of Opportunity and they begin to search more and more reasons why their own homeland is not good enough anymore. There are many reasons that can make you want to leave. The biggest ones are war and living in a country … read more
Oct 4
Christmas in October – Santa’s Land in Cherokee, NC
What if I told you that you can take care of your annual Christmas family picture during the year without having to stand in line? You can even wear shorts and flip flops. Well, Americans wear flip flops all year long, but let’s just say you can dress lightly and get to chat with Santa … read more
Sep 7
Child Care Options in America
Soon after arrival one of the first things you would have to do as a working immigrant parent, is finding a place to stay for your child while you’re off to work. No matter what city or state you got settled in, there are usually a handful of child care options if not more. As … read more
Apr 30
Mother’s Day in the USA
Mother’s Day is around the corner and it’s nearly impossible to miss it in the US. Why you ask? Stores on- and offline keep reminding you about it starting as early as 2 months prior to this day, trying to lure you into buying something special for your Mom. Ads, TV commercials, web banners, email … read more