September 2014 - Live Work Travel USA|Live Work Travel USA

How we got a $2,500 trip to Bermuda for free + Book Giveaway

During the last 2 years I’ve been trying out a lot of things and took on quite a few projects to explore different opportunities. One of these side projects is Travel Hacking and if you’re a loyal reader of this blog, you probably remember me writing about it before. After reading the Frequent Flyer Master... read more

Hanging out in the School Carpool Line

I’ve heard a lot about the notorious carpool lines at schools from other parents in the past. Now, that my daughter goes to Kindergarten, I experienced it first hand. I used to walk her into daycare, later pre-K (pre-Kindergarten) and other than a locked door sometimes, there were no security systems in place. The new... read more

Peter H. Fogtdal from Copenhagen, Denmark

I reached out to author, speaker and Danish expat Peter H. Fogtdal and invited him to be a part of the Success Stories series. read more

430 Million Unused Vacation Days

You probably knew that Americans love to work and only have a few days of vacation. But what if they would have more paid days off? Would they even use them all? I came across a very interesting article about the reasons, why some Americans don't spend all of the few days that they get. read more
